Events and Learning

Upcoming Events

OCO Steering Committee Meeting


Description: Monthly meeting of the OCO steering committee. Occurs the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Meetings are by invitation only. Facilitator(s): Christala Smith, Chair (SEOSU) Registration: By Invitation Only

ADA, Section 504, and Title IX intersectionality: An Update on Recent Changes


Description: A discussion of ADA, Section 504, and Title IX intersectionality, including an overview of the relevant changes with the new Title IX Final Regulations that became effective August 14, 2020. Facilitator(s): Mackenzie Wilfong (General Counsel at Tulsa CC) Registration for OK-AHEAD Professional Development

DYOC (Designing Your Online Course) – QM Dedicated Workshop

Online (Asynchronous)

Description: The “Designing Your Online Course” workshop includes an overview of the QM Rubric and provides a framework for participants to design an online course plan. An integral element of the workshop is exploration of the eight General Standards of the QM Rubric, focusing on learning objectives and overall course alignment. Participants will complete a…

OCO Steering Committee Meeting


Description: Monthly meeting of the OCO steering committee. Occurs the second Tuesday of each month at 10:00 a.m. via Zoom. Meetings are by invitation only. Facilitator(s): Christala Smith, Chair (SEOSU) Registration: By Invitation Only

DYOC (Designing Your Online Course) – QM Dedicated Workshop

Online (Asynchronous)

Description: The “Designing Your Online Course” workshop includes an overview of the QM Rubric and provides a framework for participants to design an online course plan. An integral element of the workshop is exploration of the eight General Standards of the QM Rubric, focusing on learning objectives and overall course alignment. Participants will complete a…

IYOC (Improving Your Online Course) – QM Dedicated Workshop

Online (Asynchronous)

Description: The “Improving Your Online Course” workshop explores the QM Rubric and provides a framework to improve the quality of online courses. Participants use the QM Rubric to review their own online courses and develop a course improvement plan. The content is based on the essential Specific Review Standards of the Quality Matters Rubric. Participants…