2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Dr. Kalianne Neumann

Description: This session will cover the importance of organization, consistency, and communication in supporting online learners’ self-regulation in asynchronous courses.

Facilitators: Dr. Kalianne Neumann (Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Non-Intrusively Engaging Students in a Synchronous Online Class

Description: Are you hesitant to call on your college students in class? Are you looking for a way to include more students in your synchronous online discussions without embarrassing anyone or causing anxiety? This presentation will help you develop a method for increasing student engagement and participation in your class in a non-intrusive manner. Most college instructors are looking for ways to bring learner-centered pedagogy and high-impact practices into the classroom, especially strategies that prioritize diversity and inclusion. This session will help you to build relationships and trust with your students in a short amount of time, and more students will be actively engaging in classroom discussions. The percentage of students participating in your class will dramatically increase! If you’re looking for a way to move from a traditional lecture format to more of a discussion format, this session is for you!

Facilitators: Tracy Jackson (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: RSU Public TV: Delivering Concurrent Classes Over Broadcast TV

Description: This session will provide an overview of Rogers State University’s offering of concurrent college courses at a distance broadcast through RSU TV.

Facilitators: Royal Aills (Rogers State University)


Zoom Towards Engagement

Available as an on-demand course, Zoom Towards Engagement targets best practices when teaching online via Zoom.  Many of the resources are also useful for administrators and staff as many events and functions have transitioned into an online environment.  This course will be continuously updated as new Zoom updates and functions are released.


Online Lab Conundrum – Virtual Workshop

Description: Have you been grappling with whether labs can be delivered effectively in the online environment? This session will review what the Eberly College of Science at Penn State University is doing for online labs, proving that it’s not about the labs, it’s about the outcomes. This highly interactive and collaborative session will utilize problem-based learning to help participants uncover strategies to use in their own courses.

Facilitators: Melissa Hicks (Penn State University)