Course Marking at Oklahoma State University

Description: This presentation will describe how OSU Libraries have partnered with the OSU Office of the Registrar to help facilitate student success by implementing a course marking system enabling students to, at the time of enrollment, identify which courses do not require students to purchase commercial resources.

Facilitators: Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University) 


The State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2023

Description: To kick off OKLIS 2023, join us to hear about the latest news in Oklahoma online education! First, we will discuss the latest data trends for online learning in the state system of higher education. Then, you will hear updates on the past year of progress from the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO), Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE), and Oklahoma Quality Matters (OKQM) consortium. During the session, we will also announce the winners of the 2023 Oklahoma Online Excellence Awards!

Facilitators/Institution: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


The State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2022

Description: Each year, the Learning Innovations Summit kicks off with an update from OK higher ed’s leaders in online learning, including: Council for Online Learning Excellence 2021-2022 Chair, Brett King (University of Central Oklahoma), Online Consortium of Oklahoma 2021-2022 Chair, Joy Bauer (Northeastern Oklahoma A&M College), Oklahoma Quality Matters System Coordinator, Dr. Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College), State System Liaison for Online Education, Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education). Chancellor Allison Garrett also made a guest appearance!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


2021 OKLIS: State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2021

Description: Hear annual updates from the Online Consortium of Oklahoma, Council for Online Learning Excellence, and Oklahoma Quality Matters.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College)


Preparing for AI and Machine Learning in Online Education

Description: AI is the next evolution of big data’s use in education. As more institutions develop their capabilities and architecture to obtain more data on their students, mining this data to better serve the student will become the focus of getting students to completion. Yet, the process to “hire” AI and implement it at scale should be guided by thoughtful conversations from administrators, faculty, students, and staff. While the promise of specific AI technology will be discussed, the leadership required to advance AI enabled strategic change will be a focus of the conversation.

Presenters: Luke Dowden (Alamo Colleges District), Karen Srba (St. Francis University)

Wednesday, April 8, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central


The Trials and Tribulations of Building an Institutional KPI Dashboard

Description: From the humble beginnings of automating a paper statistics report to predictive analytics, the KPI Dashboard (custom built by the IDEA Team at UCO using Blackboard Analytics) has had its share of growing pains as well as triumphs. This session will discuss some of the features (room search, schedule toxicity, enrollment projection, and department and university profiles) and the pitfalls, both hit and avoided, along the way.

Presenter: Liz Crowell (University of Central Oklahoma), Sean Gausman (University of Central Oklahoma)

Wednesday, April 1, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central


The State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2019

Description: This presentation highlights key trends, issues, and updates related to online and blended learning in Oklahoma.

Facilitators: Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma); Kyle Foster (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2018

Description: This session shares innovative initiatives and collaborations occurring across the state of Oklahoma aimed at growing the quality and excellence of online and blended education opportunities.

Facilitators: Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma); Kyle Foster (OSRHE)