Finding, Using, and Creating Free Multimedia Resources

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University) explores solutions for finding and using royalty-free images and multimedia available for use in educational settings without violating copyright laws.


InfOERmation Literacy: The New Literacies Alliance and Scalable Solutions for Dealing With a Complex Information Environment

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Matt Upson (Oklahoma State University), Melissa Mallon (Vanderbilt University), Melia Fritch (Kansas State University) discuss the New Literacies Alliance (NLA), an inter-institutional academic library project that creates OER on information-seeking and research concepts that can be adapted for use in a variety of disciplinary contexts. This session will provide an overview of NLA resources and opportunities to participate in future lesson planning activities.


Making an Open Information Literacy Textbook: A Case Study in OER Collaborations Among Four Academic Librarians

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit:  Jamie Holmes and Adam Brennan (Tulsa Community College), Calantha Tillotson (University of Tennessee at Knoxville; formerly of East Central University), and Sarah Burkhead Whittle (Northeastern State University) share their experiences working together to create an open textbook on Pressbooks. A useful case study for anyone interested in pursuing their own Open Educational Resources (OER) project, they will share their insights on early planning and choosing a team, meshing original with existing material, adding interactivity, and the editing and publishing process.


Teaching Teachers With OER

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Jason Proctor (Northeastern State University) presents various examples of OER used with pre-service teachers, discuss student feedback of OER used in courses, and share tips about finding and creating OER.


Using a Free Geometry App and Activity-Based Text in a Course for Elementary Ed Majors

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Chris Oehrlein (Oklahoma City Community College) describes the sophomore-level Geometry and Measurement course designed for pre-service teachers. The presenter will provide examples of activities and assignments using the OER text, geometry app, and college’s LMS. The presenter will also describe and analyze the standards-based grading scheme used in the course.


Collaboration & Growth: Getting Philosophical About OER

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Heather Wilburn, Jamie Holmes, Jennifer Brummett (Tulsa Community College) share lessons learned while creating an open philosophy anthology using original texts from various openly licensed or public domain sources. Attendees can expect to hear solutions developed to overcome various challenges, ideas for inviting different voices into the book, and ways to integrate a variety of formative learning objects, multimedia, and the social annotation tool, Hypothesis, including an opportunity to set up and practice using their own Hypothesis account.


Open Education Practices 101: How to Get Started When You Have No Help

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit: Presented by Jay Fulgencio, Ph.D. (Oklahoma State University-Oklahoma City), Open Education Practices provides an outlet for educators to create, adapt, and adopt their teaching skills with open education resources without the hassle of violating copyrights or paying hefty licensing feeds on specific content for the classroom. In this session, individuals will learn to create content with open education tools from open education resources.


Building and Scaling a Culture of Open at Tulsa Community College

Description: 2021 Oklahoma OER Summit:  Jennifer Kneafsey and Lisa Haldeman (Tulsa Community College) share real-world strategies for advancing and scaling OER initiatives. Participants will discuss strategies for course marking, student involvement, and overcoming challenges. Course marking legislation from other states will be summarized so that participants are aware of national trends related to OER legislation. 


2021 OKLIS: Cognitive Load: “Help! My schemas aren’t firing!”

Description: E-Learning and the science of instruction: proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning.

Facilitators: Lora Pezzell (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Want to Know About OER? Come Learn With Us!

Description: To promote the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) in Oklahoma, members of COLE’s OER subcommittee have developed two sets of modules – OER: 101 and OER: A Deeper Dive, as well as an open textbook – Open Educational Resources: Basics & Beyond.

The self-paced modules frame the objectives and refer the learner to the textbook, which contains most of the content and includes interactive quizzes to reinforce concepts. Upon completion of each chapter, learners return to the course site, where they can complete an activity to demonstrate deeper understanding and earn a digital badge, which can be used to show competency in this area.

The presentation will introduce the course and textbook, how to gain access, and explain how they work together. The presenters will also share their own process of adapting these OERs from “Texas Learn OER,” an open course produced by the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex) and licensed under CC-BY 4.0.

Facilitators: Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College), Dr. Pamela Louderback (Northeastern State University), Ann Raia (Oklahoma City Community College)


2021 OKLIS: OPEN OCO and OPEN OKSTATE Pressbooks Basics

Description: This continued introduction to OPEN OCO Pressbooks will provide an overview of how to find existing Pressbooks, how to import your own existing content into Pressbooks, and how to navigate the dashboard of an existing Pressbooks OER.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: A Deeper Dive into Pressbooks Plugins and Accessibility

Description: This session will provide an overview of some of the more advanced features of the Pressbooks platform, focusing on its available plugins. Participants will hear about H5P, Hypothesis, LaTeX, MathJax, and TablePress. Best practices will also be provided for ensuring digital accessibility of Pressbooks OER.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Jamie Holmes (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: Influence of Monitor Screen Size on Immersion/Presence in a Virtual Learning Environment

Description: Virtual reality and virtual worlds (VWs) are powerful technologies currently helping to define the digital world. These technologies are characterized by user control, immersion, and sense of presence or “being there.” They have been examined from a variety of theoretical perspectives, technical and user variables, and psychological approaches. The purpose of this study was to extend VW research relating the roles of user age, gender, and technical characteristics such as screen size, directly to the VW-critical features of immersion and perceived presence. This study used a photo-real, on-screen, first-person VW in which users “enter” and “walk through” a VW via mouse navigation, viewing it through their own eyes rather than through an avatar. It used a quasi-experimental design with 35 adult subjects who were tested for perceived immersion and presence in a VW showing a 360-degree city panorama using different screen size treatments. Data were analyzed using mixed methods (e.g., interview comments and responses to questionnaires) to examine relationships among age, gender, immersion, presence, and screen size in the VW. Findings supported conclusions relating to the relevance of age and gender as user variables in VWs and the role of technology characteristics in VWs’ effective use. The study also opened a potential new line of inquiry by raising previously unaddressed questions about the importance of the psychological trait vs. state nature and measurement of immersion and presence in VWs. Implications and recommendations for instructional design and delivery and further research are offered.

Facilitators: Dr. Jon Martens (Analytics Journey, LLC), Dr. Robert Dionne (University of Oklahoma (ret.)), Dr. Ina Agnew (Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology), Dr. Chuck Baukal (John Zink Institute), Dr. Lynna Ausburn (Oklahoma State University), Dr. Floyd Ausburn (Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Dr. Kalianne Neumann

Description: This session will cover the importance of organization, consistency, and communication in supporting online learners’ self-regulation in asynchronous courses.

Facilitators: Dr. Kalianne Neumann (Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: The Rubric as Individualized Assignment Instructions

Description: Grading feedback is only effective in the learning process if it is reviewed and used by the students. For my Composition class, I have re-designed the rubric to contain instructions for a follow up assignment, personalized to what they individually need to work on to improve their writing skills. In this session, I will show the rubric I have made and how it is used in my class. Participant discussion of how this could be improved or how a similar approach might be used for other subjects will be welcome!

Facilitators: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Non-Intrusively Engaging Students in a Synchronous Online Class

Description: Are you hesitant to call on your college students in class? Are you looking for a way to include more students in your synchronous online discussions without embarrassing anyone or causing anxiety? This presentation will help you develop a method for increasing student engagement and participation in your class in a non-intrusive manner. Most college instructors are looking for ways to bring learner-centered pedagogy and high-impact practices into the classroom, especially strategies that prioritize diversity and inclusion. This session will help you to build relationships and trust with your students in a short amount of time, and more students will be actively engaging in classroom discussions. The percentage of students participating in your class will dramatically increase! If you’re looking for a way to move from a traditional lecture format to more of a discussion format, this session is for you!

Facilitators: Tracy Jackson (Tulsa Community College)


2021 OKLIS: Reduce Student Stress: Build a Calm Zone in the Online Classroom

Description: Create an area in your online classroom for brain breaks so that students have the option to take a break without leaving the online classroom. Look at a module with links and suggestions so that you can get ideas to create an optional resource module to guide students through a quick breathing exercise, screen break, a stretch, or music for focusing.

Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: OU K20 Center

Description: In 2020, the K20 Center’s 24th annual Innovative Learning Institute (ILI) was held virtually for the first time. ILI is traditionally focused on sharing best practices and cutting edge technology for teaching and learning for a variety of educators and school types. This year, pandemic restrictions made addressing innovative learning more important than ever. The K20 Center used various online platforms to build and create an online community for ILI, keeping strong the network of educator support and collaboration cultivated through the previous Institutes, but expanding to create an interactive, collaborative and sustainability professional learning experience while aligning ILI with existing K20 Center virtual resources including the online lesson repository, digital educational games, and free online professional development. Despite the challenges of 2020, the K20 Center created a conference that facilitated mentorship, innovation, and shared strategies using the center’s foundational partnerships and resources. The K20 Center set out to do this all while holding the 2020 Innovative Learning Institute 100% virtually.

Facilitators: Dr. Jackie Mania-Singer, Dr. Dawn Pearce, Danny Mattox, Lacy Pennington


2021 OKLIS: Adaptive Teacher Development Strategies for Teaching STEM-related Information Systems with Analytics

Description: Women are often underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professions. Without access to equitable opportunities to explore careers, acquire interdisciplinary contents, and develop the 21st century skills that can further impede women’s abilities to participate in the highly competitive global workforce; and succeed in fast-growing, STEM-related emerging careers (e.g. analytics, data science). This multi-tier STEM Career Builder grant (2018-2021), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), aims to discover what partnership models, strategies, and innovations can effectively support female high school teachers and students through the research, development (R&D) and implementation of five multi-tier interventions: (1) teacher professional development (PD), (2) a summer academy, (3) job shadowing, (4) mentoring, and (5) internships, and research fellowships.

Facilitators: Dr. Joselina Cheng, Alexia Benson (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Creating High-Functioning Student Group sin Hybrid and Online Courses

Description: Group work in many college courses is necessary but often difficult due to scheduling, time constraints, and other demands on student schedules. In this session I will demonstrate the procedures and technologies I have implemented in my upper-level Project Management course throughout the 2020-2021 school year that have yielded outstanding results for students. By setting simple guidelines and utilizing some basic frameworks for structure and expectations, group work can be transformed from stressful to successful.

My student feedback about groups includes comments such as “We were all very satisfied with our group and decided to continue with this group going forward.” and “This is probably the best experience I’ve had with a group during my time at OSU.”

Facilitators: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Slow Down and Take Time to Listen

Description: Online learning can be very impersonal and distant. In our program, which is totally online, I’ve found a method that allows for professional dialogue among classmates who are taking graduate level courses and who sometimes feel overwhelmed with returning to college in order to complete an advanced degree. This method revolves around spending an extra hour (after class) getting to know my students on a personal level and letting them share about what’s causing them stress. Judging from the emails I’ve received from students, this approach has yielded positive results and has been very rewarding for all involved, including the professor.

Facilitators: Dr. Todd Williams (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: RSU Public TV: Delivering Concurrent Classes Over Broadcast TV

Description: This session will provide an overview of Rogers State University’s offering of concurrent college courses at a distance broadcast through RSU TV.

Facilitators: Royal Aills (Rogers State University)


2021 OKLIS: Helping Oklahoma Learners Scale the Peak with Micro-Credentials

Description: Get ready! Higher education in Oklahoma is about to reach an entirely new summit through a brand new initiative coming later this spring. This session will help you develop an understanding of micro-credentials and digital badging, including brainstorming of how to apply this opportunity to your own programs and offer students a greater connection to workforce opportunities. You will also hear some hot-off-the-press updates on new system-wide pilot led by the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) to equip Oklahoma higher ed institutions to develop these exciting and nimble new programs!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


2021 OKLIS: Breathe LIFE Into Your Online Courses

Description: As an online business communications instructor, my quest every semester is to find more innovative and creative ways to engage students in online learning – how can I bring a face-to-face experience into an online platform? While I continue to learn more and more every semester, I would love to share some of the creative solutions I have drummed up over the last couple of years. Join me for a preview of my business communications course and the technology and resources I am using to breathe LIFE in my online classes!

Facilitators: Dr. Niccole Miller (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Strategy for Online Course Design

Description: This presentation will look at the foundation of the online course design and look at some of the ideas and steps you can take before actual course design. They are steps in backward design, the basic foundation of online courses such as interactivity, discussion, effective feedback, modules, and navigation. It also presents some ideas for designing online courses based on other’s experiences and findings.

Facilitators: Dr. Abe Soltani (Langston University)


2021 OKLIS: OPEN OCO: OER Collaborations Through Pressbooks

Description: In October 2020, the Online Consortium of Oklahoma launched OPEN OCO, a shared instance of PressbooksEDU. This dynamic platform provides 30 initial open textbook project spaces to OCO members, in addition to an option for unlimited access for individual institutions.

During this session, you will gain an understanding of Pressbooks and explore some OER developed using the system. You will also be some of the first in OK higher ed to hear about our upcoming opportunities for project funding.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)


2021 OKLIS: Inclusive Access: Accessibility Tools in Microsoft Office 365

Description: The easier it is for students to access and understand your content,​ the easier it is for students to engage in and learn from your course. Office 365 has tools to help everyone.

Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)


2021 OKLIS: Bringing Virtual Reality to Higher Education

Description: SEOSU partnered with OneNet to produce approximately 50 VR enabled modules for 12+ faculty in multiple departments at Southeastern. The first few are in the final stages of development. We will share our experience thus far and discuss how others might begin similar projects at their own institutions.

Facilitators: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Create and Share Accessible Screen Recordings with Microsoft Stream

Description: Use Microsoft Stream, part of Office 365, to create screen recordings and videos with automatically generated, searchable transcripts. Learn to embed and share the videos.

Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)


2021 OKLIS: Preparing Images for Online Delivery

Description: Following best practices and processes in instructional design is key to a quality course. Looking at rural areas where broadband access is limited, download times of images are important to the learning process and supplanting visual ques. When file size of images exceed norms and are detrimental in the download process when broadband is not available. In this session you will learn little tricks of the trade preparing imagery for online course content delivery, sizing, layout, adding accessible tags, etc.

Facilitators: Dr. Gary Dotterer (Rogers State University)


2021 OKLIS: Reaching the Summit Through OER Across Oklahoma

Description: Whether you are an OER champion or just discovering the magic that is open education, we have opportunities to share with you! Join the co-chairs of COLE’s OER subcommittee and OSRHE’s director of online learning to hear how you can get involved. Plan to come away with a plan for how you could embark upon your own journey with OER with the support from your friends throughout the state. We will discuss who in Oklahoma is collaborating on OER, professional development opportunities for faculty and staff, and resources from the Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE) and Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) available at zero cost!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Dr. Kathy Essmiller (Oklahoma State University), Marla Lobley (East Central University)


2021 OKLIS: Developing Experiential Learning Projects for Online Courses

Description: UCO’s IDEA team was task to develop four virtual experiential learning assignments to allow students to virtually experience projects that were previously only possible in person. The assignments focus on allowing students to virtually collaborate to build and restructure essays, receive tangible feedback on persuasive speeches, turn their paper presentation poster into a robust online presentation, and simulate first-hand experience of what it is like to lead a team to climb a dangerous mountain.

What kind of lessons did we learn? How were did we get our faculty involved? What kind Technologies were used and how did we use them? Did all of the students make it up the mountain? Come by and have all of your questions answered.

Facilitators: Robert Wall, Drew Stephenson (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Lessons Learned: Leading an OER Initiative on Campus

Description: Marla Lobley is the winner of the 2021 Oklahoma Online Excellence Award for Individual Leadership. This session discusses what elements of an OER initiative at East Central University have worked well and what mistakes have turned into learning opportunities.

Facilitators: Marla Lobley (East Central University)


2021 OKLIS: Relax and Add Some Non-Course Content

Description: Online students miss out on the informal interactions which are typical on campus. In a F2F session, students and professors have non-course related talks which relate the professor as a person to the students. Everything from current events to (sometimes awful) jokes are shared. Heightened because of COVID – students need more interactions. Students want more interactions. The human is a social being and the isolation from online classes can be minimized (not eliminated). You can add these to your online course without trying to be a standup comic.

Facilitators: Dr. Marty Ludlum (University of Central Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Instructions Unclear: Infographics and Assignment Instructions

Description: This session discusses the use of visual rhetoric to increase learning comprehension and engagement in online and hybrid courses. In particular, I will share examples using free graphic design software, such as Piktochart and Canva, to demonstrate how transforming traditional text- only assignment instructions to visual assignment instructions (aka “infographics”) impacts student engagement and understanding. l will also present research on best practices and results of this and similar uses of visual rhetoric on student engagement.

Facilitators: Pamela Rollins (Southwestern Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Surviving The Great Pivot of 2020: OU’s Transition to Online Instruction in First-Year Math Classes

Description: In March 2020, the First Year Math Team at OU, like many others in higher education, transitioned from in-person to online instruction. Much of the online instruction and tutoring carried over into the fall 2020 semester. In this presentation, I will focus on the team’s efforts to allow meaningful student engagement and rigorous assessments in online environments while trying to take into account the additional stress both instructors and students were encountering. The presentation will cover lessons learned and what we hope to take away from this experience.

Facilitators: Dr. Deborah Moore-Russo (University of Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Instructional Design Development with Articulate Rise

Description: A demonstration of how Articulate Rise is used to increase learner engagement in self-paced online courses offered by OSU Extension.

Facilitators: Joan York (Oklahoma State University)


2021 OKLIS: State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2021

Description: Hear annual updates from the Online Consortium of Oklahoma, Council for Online Learning Excellence, and Oklahoma Quality Matters.

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education), Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), Dana Lindon-Burgett (Rose State College)


State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2021

Hear updates about online education in Oklahoma and meet our online collaboration group leaders. This session features:

Mr. Brad Griffith – OSRHE Director of Online Learning Initiatives
Dr. Gary Dotterer – Chairperson, Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE)
Ms. Christala Smith – Chairperson, Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO)
Dr. Dana Lindon-Burgett – Co-Lead Coordinator, Oklahoma Quality Matters