VR Resources Available to You!
Description: Students at Southeastern Oklahoma State University have built 50 VR enabled modules. These modules range from Labs to Choir Practice and everything in between! The process for this project as well as links to all 50 modules are available in an OER Pressbook you can access for yourself!
Facilitators: Christala Smith and Alisha Ridenour (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)
Formative Assessment in OER Using Pressbooks Results
Description: With Pressbooks Results grade pass back features to the LMS, Pressbooks authors and network managers are able to gain actionable insights into student learning.
Facilitators: John McLeod (Pressbooks)
Unlocking the Future of Education: AI-Powered Strategies for Open Educational Resource Adoption
Description: In today’s rapidly evolving educational landscape, the integration of open educational resources (OER) is paramount to fostering accessible and affordable learning experiences. To support this mission, join us for an engaging roundtable discussion where experts and educators converge to explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in facilitating OER adoption within the classroom.
Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
Resource Available to You: COLE’s LMS and Tools Committee
Description: COLE’s LMS and Tools Committee is a resource available to institutions throughout the state. The committee regularly engages with technology vendors and collects information from institutions about various tools in use. This committee provides the opportunity for Institutions interested in adopting a tool to collaborate with others, compare various tools, and discuss pros/cons. The committee exists as a resource for Oklahoma institutions!
Facilitators/Institution: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), Amanda Keesee (University of Central Oklahoma), and Margot Gregory (Cameron University)
H5P for Collaboration and Engagement in Online Environments
Description: This workshop will provide you with an overview of what H5P is and how it incorporates the Community of inquiry Framework into online learning. Examples of various types of Interactive learning objects that can be created and added to your online course. In addition, a short demonstration of how H5P can be reused and is a wonderful OER tool.
Facilitators/Institution: Lora Pezzell, Nicholas Poss, and Kristen Gregory (University of Central Oklahoma)
Round Table: ChatGPT
Description: ChatGPT is not something anyone feels comfortable enough with to present on, or even be on a panel for yet, but we do want to talk about it! In a round table format, we discussed what this is, what we need to know, what concerns we have, and how to address those concerns. We may not come up with any solutions in this session, but we can all be part of the conversation!
Facilitators/Institution: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)
Baby Steps in Podcasting
Description: Get started with podcasts! It is a free, simple way to reach people without having to worry about finding time for meetings between classes.
Facilitators: Ally Sharp (Langston University)
2021 OKLIS: Influence of Monitor Screen Size on Immersion/Presence in a Virtual Learning Environment
Description: Virtual reality and virtual worlds (VWs) are powerful technologies currently helping to define the digital world. These technologies are characterized by user control, immersion, and sense of presence or “being there.” They have been examined from a variety of theoretical perspectives, technical and user variables, and psychological approaches. The purpose of this study was to extend VW research relating the roles of user age, gender, and technical characteristics such as screen size, directly to the VW-critical features of immersion and perceived presence. This study used a photo-real, on-screen, first-person VW in which users “enter” and “walk through” a VW via mouse navigation, viewing it through their own eyes rather than through an avatar. It used a quasi-experimental design with 35 adult subjects who were tested for perceived immersion and presence in a VW showing a 360-degree city panorama using different screen size treatments. Data were analyzed using mixed methods (e.g., interview comments and responses to questionnaires) to examine relationships among age, gender, immersion, presence, and screen size in the VW. Findings supported conclusions relating to the relevance of age and gender as user variables in VWs and the role of technology characteristics in VWs’ effective use. The study also opened a potential new line of inquiry by raising previously unaddressed questions about the importance of the psychological trait vs. state nature and measurement of immersion and presence in VWs. Implications and recommendations for instructional design and delivery and further research are offered.
Facilitators: Dr. Jon Martens (Analytics Journey, LLC), Dr. Robert Dionne (University of Oklahoma (ret.)), Dr. Ina Agnew (Oklahoma State University Institute of Technology), Dr. Chuck Baukal (John Zink Institute), Dr. Lynna Ausburn (Oklahoma State University), Dr. Floyd Ausburn (Oklahoma State University)
2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: OU K20 Center
Description: In 2020, the K20 Center’s 24th annual Innovative Learning Institute (ILI) was held virtually for the first time. ILI is traditionally focused on sharing best practices and cutting edge technology for teaching and learning for a variety of educators and school types. This year, pandemic restrictions made addressing innovative learning more important than ever. The K20 Center used various online platforms to build and create an online community for ILI, keeping strong the network of educator support and collaboration cultivated through the previous Institutes, but expanding to create an interactive, collaborative and sustainability professional learning experience while aligning ILI with existing K20 Center virtual resources including the online lesson repository, digital educational games, and free online professional development. Despite the challenges of 2020, the K20 Center created a conference that facilitated mentorship, innovation, and shared strategies using the center’s foundational partnerships and resources. The K20 Center set out to do this all while holding the 2020 Innovative Learning Institute 100% virtually.
Facilitators: Dr. Jackie Mania-Singer, Dr. Dawn Pearce, Danny Mattox, Lacy Pennington
2021 OKLIS: Adaptive Teacher Development Strategies for Teaching STEM-related Information Systems with Analytics
Description: Women are often underrepresented in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) professions. Without access to equitable opportunities to explore careers, acquire interdisciplinary contents, and develop the 21st century skills that can further impede women’s abilities to participate in the highly competitive global workforce; and succeed in fast-growing, STEM-related emerging careers (e.g. analytics, data science). This multi-tier STEM Career Builder grant (2018-2021), funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF), aims to discover what partnership models, strategies, and innovations can effectively support female high school teachers and students through the research, development (R&D) and implementation of five multi-tier interventions: (1) teacher professional development (PD), (2) a summer academy, (3) job shadowing, (4) mentoring, and (5) internships, and research fellowships.
Facilitators: Dr. Joselina Cheng, Alexia Benson (University of Central Oklahoma)
2021 OKLIS: RSU Public TV: Delivering Concurrent Classes Over Broadcast TV
Description: This session will provide an overview of Rogers State University’s offering of concurrent college courses at a distance broadcast through RSU TV.
Facilitators: Royal Aills (Rogers State University)
2021 OKLIS: Bringing Virtual Reality to Higher Education
Description: SEOSU partnered with OneNet to produce approximately 50 VR enabled modules for 12+ faculty in multiple departments at Southeastern. The first few are in the final stages of development. We will share our experience thus far and discuss how others might begin similar projects at their own institutions.
Facilitators: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)
2021 OKLIS: Developing Experiential Learning Projects for Online Courses
Description: UCO’s IDEA team was task to develop four virtual experiential learning assignments to allow students to virtually experience projects that were previously only possible in person. The assignments focus on allowing students to virtually collaborate to build and restructure essays, receive tangible feedback on persuasive speeches, turn their paper presentation poster into a robust online presentation, and simulate first-hand experience of what it is like to lead a team to climb a dangerous mountain.
What kind of lessons did we learn? How were did we get our faculty involved? What kind Technologies were used and how did we use them? Did all of the students make it up the mountain? Come by and have all of your questions answered.
Facilitators: Robert Wall, Drew Stephenson (University of Central Oklahoma)
2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Lessons Learned: Leading an OER Initiative on Campus
Description: Marla Lobley is the winner of the 2021 Oklahoma Online Excellence Award for Individual Leadership. This session discusses what elements of an OER initiative at East Central University have worked well and what mistakes have turned into learning opportunities.
Facilitators: Marla Lobley (East Central University)
2021 OKLIS: Online Excellence Showcase: Surviving The Great Pivot of 2020: OU’s Transition to Online Instruction in First-Year Math Classes
Description: In March 2020, the First Year Math Team at OU, like many others in higher education, transitioned from in-person to online instruction. Much of the online instruction and tutoring carried over into the fall 2020 semester. In this presentation, I will focus on the team’s efforts to allow meaningful student engagement and rigorous assessments in online environments while trying to take into account the additional stress both instructors and students were encountering. The presentation will cover lessons learned and what we hope to take away from this experience.
Facilitators: Dr. Deborah Moore-Russo (University of Oklahoma)
Virtual Tutoring – Maintaining Services During the Pandemic
Description: Learn how Western Oklahoma State College shifted its student tutoring programs to a fully virtual format using existing tools, including Zoom.
Facilitators: Melissa Smith and Katie Brewer (Western Oklahoma State College)
Preparing for AI and Machine Learning in Online Education
Description: AI is the next evolution of big data’s use in education. As more institutions develop their capabilities and architecture to obtain more data on their students, mining this data to better serve the student will become the focus of getting students to completion. Yet, the process to “hire” AI and implement it at scale should be guided by thoughtful conversations from administrators, faculty, students, and staff. While the promise of specific AI technology will be discussed, the leadership required to advance AI enabled strategic change will be a focus of the conversation.
Presenters: Luke Dowden (Alamo Colleges District), Karen Srba (St. Francis University)
Wednesday, April 8, 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. Central
Celebrating Online Learning Excellence in Oklahoma, Part I
Description: This event will showcase the 2020 Oklahoma Online Excellence Award winners.
Facilitator: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
Guest Presenters: Jason Stone, Breeman Ainsworth, Dorothy Weaver (OSU-OKC Division of Liberal Arts)
Friday, April 3, 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Central
The State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2019
Description: This presentation highlights key trends, issues, and updates related to online and blended learning in Oklahoma.
Facilitators: Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma); Kyle Foster (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)
A Practical Guide to Teaching Online Courses
Description: This presentation will cover proven strategies to set-up faculty, their students, and their departments for success in online courses. The use of data-driven decisions, mobile course design, mobile content development, implementing OER, and the engagement-edutainment of students will be demonstrated from online science courses across Oklahoma. This presentation will empower you to achieve higher enrollment, higher student completion rates, and higher personal satisfaction in your online courses – while having a blast!
Facilitators: Kenny Tapp (University of Central Oklahoma)
New Realities!
Description: Augmented, Mixed, and Virtual Reality are powerful and fundamentally different from existing communication mediums. Ken Parker will explain them and how can you potentially use them for education.
Facilitators: Ken Parker (Next Thought)
Live Panel Discussion on Online Education Innovation
Description: This session will be an interactive exchange of ideas and effective practices from expert online educators across Oklahoma. Topics will include online teaching and course design practices as well as questions from the audience.
Facilitators: Bucky Dodd, moderator (UCO); Maria Christian (NSU); Randy Dominguez (TCC); Gary Dotterer (RSU); Brett King (UCO); Stacy Southerland (UCO)
State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2018
Description: This session shares innovative initiatives and collaborations occurring across the state of Oklahoma aimed at growing the quality and excellence of online and blended education opportunities.
Facilitators: Bucky Dodd (University of Central Oklahoma); Kyle Foster (OSRHE)