UpskillOK – Career-Focused Credentials Roundtable

Description: Come hear about Oklahoma higher education’s latest initiative, UpskillOK! In this session, staff from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education will discuss a new opportunity available for Oklahoma employers to partner with our colleges and universities to find and develop talent through career-focused credentials. This session will help our partners develop an understanding of micro-credentials and digital badging, including brainstorming on how to leverage this program for your own workforce. Visit us online at https://UpskillOK.org!

Facilitators/Institution: Brad Griffith and Tracey Romano – Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.


Shifting With Technology: When and How Do We Make Changes to Our Teaching Methods?

Description: As educators, we are often asked to adapt as new technologies come out and new challenges emerge. It can feel overwhelming to continually change and keep up. This presentation discusses our attitudes toward change and how we can embrace the new while still keeping our course content and objectives intact.

Facilitators/Institution: Laura Dumin (University of Central Oklahoma)


Resource Available to You: COLE’s LMS and Tools Committee

Description: COLE’s LMS and Tools Committee is a resource available to institutions throughout the state. The committee regularly engages with technology vendors and collects information from institutions about various tools in use. This committee provides the opportunity for Institutions interested in adopting a tool to collaborate with others, compare various tools, and discuss pros/cons. The committee exists as a resource for Oklahoma institutions!

Facilitators/Institution: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University), Amanda Keesee (University of Central Oklahoma), and Margot Gregory (Cameron University)


H5P for Collaboration and Engagement in Online Environments

Description: This workshop will provide you with an overview of what H5P is and how it incorporates the Community of inquiry Framework into online learning. Examples of various types of Interactive learning objects that can be created and added to your online course. In addition, a short demonstration of how H5P can be reused and is a wonderful OER tool.

Facilitators/Institution: Lora Pezzell, Nicholas Poss, and Kristen Gregory (University of Central Oklahoma)


Upskilling 2.0: Action Learning in the Workforce

Description: Attendees will learn the best practices that resulted from creating strategic partnerships between organizations and Northeastern State University. Topics include action learning, administrative processes, and differences between traditional students and workforce students.

Facilitators/Institution: Tena Wooldridge and Amanda Evert (Northeastern State University)


Small Changes, Big Impacts: Combining Universal Design for Learning with Technology to Reach Every Learner

Description: Using Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Guidelines (CAST, 2018) as a framework for discussion, this panel will share strategies and best practices for the differentiation of student learning through technology and intentional course design.

Facilitators/Institution: Kyle Vareberg, Sophia Burch, Renee Cambiano, and Kari Henry Hulett (Northeastern State University)


Round Table: ChatGPT

Description: ChatGPT is not something anyone feels comfortable enough with to present on, or even be on a panel for yet, but we do want to talk about it! In a round table format, we discussed what this is, what we need to know, what concerns we have, and how to address those concerns. We may not come up with any solutions in this session, but we can all be part of the conversation!

Facilitators/Institution: Christala Smith (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


More Hands on Deck: Graduate Nursing Immersive Experiences

Description: In a structured, faculty-designed immersive field experience, graduate nurse education students were embedded in an RN to BSN online course. After the experience, the graduate students felt better prepared as nurse educators, and the undergraduate students received timely, individualized feedback with more hands on deck in the online classroom.

Facilitators/Institution: April Nelson (Northeastern State University)


Helping Learners Discover Career Competencies Through Workshops and Micro-Credentials

Description: This presentation includes an overview of our experience with designing, promoting, and scaling Student Success Workshops and micro-credentials at the University of Central Oklahoma College of Business. Participants are invited into our journey of building opportunities for students to engage, learn, and discover who they are as individuals and future professionals through workshops so they can develop life and career-critical competencies.

Facilitators/Institution: Niccole Miller (University of Central Oklahoma)


Designing Targeted Video Trainings Through Collaboration

Description: Discover how to create short, targeted, high-impact training videos for nearly any type of campus or library software through a collaborative, iterative process that utilizes common computer tools and simple, easy-to-use workflow.

Facilitators/Institution: Simon Ringsmuth (Oklahoma State University)


Collaborating in a Live Zoom Meeting

Description: This session will help you expand your knowledge of the tools available in zoom and how to best implement them in your live sessions with others. Zoom has a variety of tools such as polls, whiteboards with templates, team chat, channels, and more! In addition, you will be introduced to some methods for moderating your zoom meeting as the facilitator and how to avoid screen sharing issues.

Facilitators/Institution: Lora Pezzell (University of Central Oklahoma)


Building Opportunity for Learning Through Critical Reflection: Implementing a Rubric that Supports Career-Critical Competencies

Description: Utilizing Brookfield’s Four Lenses Model of Critical Reflection (2017), this session focuses on the benefits of critical reflection for developing career-critical competencies and share an authentic assessment tool for evaluating these reflections in the online environment.

Facilitators/Institution: Kari Henry-Hulett, Renee Cambiano, and Kathy Sebold (Northeastern State University)


Building Collaboration through Engaging Discussions

Description: Creating and grading online discussion boards can be a daunting task. Many students just go through the motions and are not actively engaged with their fellow classmates. This session provides attendees with creative ways to make online discussion boards more engaging for students, and more fun for you to grade!

Facilitators/Institution: Kathleen Boothe (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


Build Your OCO/Regents OER Grant Proposal

Description: Did you know the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education has offered easy-to-apply-for faculty grants for the adoption and use of OER? Come hear how OSU faculty have earned grants for work they were already doing, or work that they were able to easily incorporate into their semester plans.

Facilitators/Institution: Kathy Essmiller and Christina Colquhoun (Oklahoma State University)


Best Practices in Virtual Mentorship: From the Classroom to the Boardroom

Description: Remote work is becoming more common in businesses, nonprofits, and government offices. Yet, little has been written about how to most effectively implement virtual mentorship programs designed to increase employee morale. In this session, discover tips and tricks to maximize your virtual mentorship efforts using relationship management tactics.

Facilitators/Institution: Amanda Evert and Tena Wooldridge (Northeastern State University)


Balancing Convenience with Rigor: Finding Support Structures that Promote Learning in Online Courses

Description: Research data is presented from three of the faculty’s online courses in which preservice teachers were asked to identify online teaching strategies, assignments, and procedures they found particularly useful in helping them learn course material – and which were not.

Facilitators/Institution: Anita Ede (Northeastern State University)


All That Glitters Is Not Gold: Helping Online, Non-traditional Students Navigate the Information Age

Description: In collaboration with instructors, course-specific library services and tools can be designed for distance students. With more focused information literacy instruction, an embedded librarian is able to empower students to sharpen research skills for more successful results, allowing the instructor to focus on the course subject rather than library skills.

Facilitators/Institution: Jayanna Greenwood (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


The State of Online Learning in Oklahoma 2023

Description: To kick off OKLIS 2023, join us to hear about the latest news in Oklahoma online education! First, we will discuss the latest data trends for online learning in the state system of higher education. Then, you will hear updates on the past year of progress from the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO), Council for Online Learning Excellence (COLE), and Oklahoma Quality Matters (OKQM) consortium. During the session, we will also announce the winners of the 2023 Oklahoma Online Excellence Awards!

Facilitators/Institution: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)