UpskillOK – Career-Focused Credentials Roundtable

Description: Come hear about Oklahoma higher education’s latest initiative, UpskillOK! In this session, staff from the Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education will discuss a new opportunity available for Oklahoma employers to partner with our colleges and universities to find and develop talent through career-focused credentials. This session will help our partners develop an understanding of micro-credentials and digital badging, including brainstorming on how to leverage this program for your own workforce. Visit us online at https://UpskillOK.org!

Facilitators/Institution: Brad Griffith and Tracey Romano – Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education.


Upskilling 2.0: Action Learning in the Workforce

Description: Attendees will learn the best practices that resulted from creating strategic partnerships between organizations and Northeastern State University. Topics include action learning, administrative processes, and differences between traditional students and workforce students.

Facilitators/Institution: Tena Wooldridge and Amanda Evert (Northeastern State University)


Helping Learners Discover Career Competencies Through Workshops and Micro-Credentials

Description: This presentation includes an overview of our experience with designing, promoting, and scaling Student Success Workshops and micro-credentials at the University of Central Oklahoma College of Business. Participants are invited into our journey of building opportunities for students to engage, learn, and discover who they are as individuals and future professionals through workshops so they can develop life and career-critical competencies.

Facilitators/Institution: Niccole Miller (University of Central Oklahoma)


Collaboration in Technology Decisions: The LMS Transition at Southeastern

Description: Southeastern’s LMS Transition Committee has greatly benefitted from collaboration with faculty, staff, and students at SE as well as colleagues around the state. This presentation demonstrates the power of networking and collaboration in important technology decisions.

Facilitators: Christala Smith, Kate Shannon, Karl Frinkle (Southeastern Oklahoma State University)


Workshopping for the Workforce

Description: This problem-posing workshop presents actionable steps including facilitation, collaboration, and breaking down communication silos to support institutional growth through enhanced workforce development initiatives, micro-credentialing opportunities, and online curricula.

Facilitators: Thomas Horne (Oklahoma City Community College)


Creating an Interactive Syllabus

Description: This session teaches you how to create an interactive syllabus for your students. The syllabus is an important document in your course and it contains valuable information. When students can find the information they need, they are able to access your online course materials more quickly and thus engage more as a student.

Facilitators: Lora Pezzell (University of Central Oklahoma)


Utilizing Innovative Learning for Career Preparation

Description: In this session, the University of Oklahoma’s College of Professional & Continuing Studies Curriculum Services Team address utilizing innovative learning for career preparation. The focus of the presentation is on the design and use of applied simulations, micro-credentialing certifications, and ePortfolios.

Facilitators: Morgan Myers, Michele Haynes, Matthew Mackintosh, and Kara Stanley (University of Oklahoma)


2021 OKLIS: Helping Oklahoma Learners Scale the Peak with Micro-Credentials

Description: Get ready! Higher education in Oklahoma is about to reach an entirely new summit through a brand new initiative coming later this spring. This session will help you develop an understanding of micro-credentials and digital badging, including brainstorming of how to apply this opportunity to your own programs and offer students a greater connection to workforce opportunities. You will also hear some hot-off-the-press updates on new system-wide pilot led by the Online Consortium of Oklahoma (OCO) to equip Oklahoma higher ed institutions to develop these exciting and nimble new programs!

Facilitators: Brad Griffith (Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education)